Some early feedback on Annex is that compared to the Australian Standards for access accessible housing AS 4299 Adaptable Housing, Annex is very relaxed on detail.

Agree, Annex Org. asks designers to incorporate access, adaptability and safety features into every new accessible housing project in return for greater flexibility on how this is to be achieved, its the Annex quid pro quo.

Annex is incredibly flexible and, yes there will be some accessible housing units that may not be universally accessible as some commentators would like.

Volume! Annex home standard is all about volume.  The objective is to increase the distribution and supply; availability of housing and address the occupant housing paradox, where the family mix is statistically miss matched to the available type of  housing or housing supply mix.

It’s just not possible to mandate that a home built for a wheelchair user must be occupied by one, the market doesn’t work that way. Annex takes a market responsive solution by loosening the compliance constraints on we aim to increase housing supply, choice and availability and responsiveness of developers to emerging family needs.

Accessible housing

Annex asks designers to incorporate access adaptability and safety features into every new accessible housing project in return for greater flexibility on how this is to be achieved.

With volume comes accessible housing choice and better design as developers strive to build to what the markets wants, while at the same time working towards the greater good of housing choice and affordability.

#housingchoice   #housingrights   #accessibility   #adaptablehousing   #annex

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