From 2015, the Free Building Code of Australia BCA will be available to ABCB subscribers. If you’re new to the BCA world, new editions are released each year in early May and like any legal document, the BCA is easy to miss read as its language is different to that spoken on a building site. We anticipate the free version will generate more work for our BCA advisers like ourselves as its circulation increases.
When compared to previous years, we’re not expecting major changes to the BCA in 2015 which is a good reason to make it freely available. We’ve been asking for a free building code for years and led the way with our own free online housing standard; Annex Home Standard. Here: Annex Home Standard
Free Building Code of Australia BCA
The Australian Building Code Board (ABCB) have announced on their website:
As part of our commitment to reducing the cost of compliance the National Construction Code online service will be provided the Free Building Code of Australia BCA commencing with the 2015 edition. NCC 2014 volumes will continue to be sold until close of business 30 April 2015.
Presumably the hard copy will be available for purchase for bedtime reading as will the over priced referenced standards including the Australian Standard AS 1428 series for disability access and AS 1735 for lift installations published by Standards Australia.
Seasoned BCA readers know that the BCA is peppered with references to Australian Standards published by SIA Global at unjustifiable prices. Expect to pay $75 to $120 for a limited use PDF version of a standard with about 100 pages of confusing and contradictory text authored by special interest groups. In our opinion, charging for a document referenced within a Federal law is inefficient and not in the best interest of improving access for people with disabilities. A free Building Code of Australia BCA is a good first step; keep going!
Free housing standard
Annex home standard published by AQ is a free democratic housing standard. A free publicly accessible housing standard for future generations. Reaching agreement on what is acceptable is the first step towards achieving your goals. Annex is a straight talking housing standard, a free housing standard to set your project on the path to compliance with the new Free Building Code of Australia BCA.
Download (1.3mb) A5.5.6.2_Annex Home_Standard